木榮科技有限公司Why do you want to do your own roasting?
The Sandbox Smart R2 Roaster is great to keep the original flavor of coffee beans from different regions. You can simply adjust the APP setting to get the flavor you like and enjoy, and share the roasting experience with your friends and family.
What is 1st crack/2nd crack?
When coffee green beans heat up and go through “edibility”, it will pass through the first crack and second crack. When you hear three consecutive sounds in the first crack, please tap the “First crack” button. If you set your profile to “Dark Roast” you will then hear a second crack, again just tap “Second crack” if you hear the cracking sound. First crack : Mainly caused by the pressure created by the evaporation of water from the coffee beans. Second crack : Carbon dioxide increases the pressure on the fiber cell tissue inside the coffee beans, which eventually causes the fibrous tissue to break, forming a “second crack.”
Can we brew our coffee straight away after roast? How long should I wait to drink it?
Coffee roasting is actually an impressive chemical reaction and one noticeable byproduct is carbon dioxide. Freshly made coffee can maintain its best flavor for 2 to 3 weeks. It is safe to brew your freshly roasted coffee right away, but we suggest waiting for at least 24hrs for coffee beans to develop their flavor, body, sweetness and acid. Different beans have different personalities, you get to decide when to enjoy them!
What is the highest temperature Sandbox Smart R2 can reach? What is your safe lock?
The highest temperature for our machine is 220C. If APP detects BT lost connection or temperature reaches over 220C during roasting, it will automatically go cooling and stop roasting.
How much does it cost for each roast?
As Sandbox Smart R2 Roaster with only 900 W, it cost less than USD 0.07
Will there be lots of smoke when using the system?
Sandbox Smart R2 Roster suggested for 200~300g, there will be slightly smoke if you choose light/medium roast. Please just turn on your extractor fan.
Is an electric heating roaster safe?
It is safe compared with gas or fire heating, but we still suggest that users need to be around the machine during the roasting process. Please read our user manual for procedure and safety reminders.
What else should I have before roasting with the Sandbox Smart R2 Roaster?
Please prepare a pair of insulation gloves, brush for chaff cleaning. DO NOT use plastic brushes as it will melt and contaminate the chamber. You will also need an electronic scale to measure green beans, and a cooling tray (with fan will be better to speed up the cooling process of roasted beans)
What does it mean to back a project (pledge)?
When you back a project, you’re pre-ordering the product. That means you'll get it once it's produced. Besides getting the product itself, you're also joining a community. Follow along the production process, take part in important surveys and give the creator valuable feedback.
How do I pledge?
In order to pledge, click that green button that says “Back this project”. You'll get to select your shipping country and choose your desired pledge level and reward.
When is my payment collected?
Your payment will be collected only after the project ends on March 2nd, 2022 (ET). If the project is canceled for any reason, you won't be charged.
The R2 comes with what type of power plug ?
Type B power plug (UK plug) for 220v.
Where does the roast smoke go?
The R2’s smoke vent is above the oil collection tank and is on the right side of the machine. If you match our accessory - F1 Smoke Extractor up with the R2, it will reduce the smoke from roasting.
How to use the F1 Smoke Exactor?
The F1 Smoke Exactor comes with a USB cable, but you will have to plug the cable with an AC adapter while using the F1.
How does the F1 Smoke Exactor reduce smoke?
The F1 reduces smoke with a dust filter cloth.
What does the VIP membership provide you?
The main differences between the general membership and the VIP membership are: 1. The access to advanced/ contest profiles: there will be more than 40 advanced & contest profiles available, and we’ll keep uploading new ones. 2. Upgraded cloud storage: 20 roasting records vs. 100 roasting records 3. Comparison of your previous roasting profiles The subscription fee is US$3.5 per month (NT$99).You can learn more about the VIP memberships on our website: https://reurl.cc/ZrXK7g