
台灣女性影像學會成立於2000年,為一非營利組織(前身為台北市女性影像學會)。本學會自1993年即創辦「Women Make Waves台灣國際女性影展」,是台灣歷史最悠久的議題性影展,也是亞洲第一個聚焦女性的影展。其目的是要推廣女導演及女性視角為主的影像創作,透過影片映演及相關活動建構國際交流平台,並為國內觀眾引介具時代意義、性別思潮的優秀外片及國片。

本學會自2001年起辦理女性影展全國巡迴,此舉為全國首創,與地方戲院、社區、校園及藝文場所等共同辦理放映,期望使性別影像遍及全國,藉此消弭影像教育城鄉差距,並推廣性別平權和影像美學。此外,學會也從事包括書籍刊物出版、DVD發行、網路資料庫建置等業務,除提供教學資源外,也豐富國內電影及性別研究資源。近年來亦著手辦理紀錄片培訓營、策展人培訓班、實驗電影工作坊等,鼓勵新生代透過鏡頭執掌轉移, 勇敢創作發聲。


Established in 1993, Women Make Waves Int’l Film Festival, Taiwan has been one of the major film festivals in Taiwan and has established itself as the biggest one dedicated to supporting female talents. It is also the longest running and largest issue-oriented film festival in Taiwan. Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan aims to celebrate the achievements of outstanding female talents, to explore different aspects of women’s lives as well as to promote equality and rights of all genders. By covering a wide range of genres, issues, and representations of women, WMWIFF seeks to promote great cinematic arts by female directors and to advocate gender equality through films with feminist consciousness and various subjects.